Robert Wofford

4 years ago

Was turned on to this company by a driver I met in...

Was turned on to this company by a driver I met in Sioux falls SD. Told me company was family orientated and home time was great. Had reservations about leaving my current company, due to lack of OTR experience, but reluctantly agreed to go to grand Rapids MI after recruiter assured me I was a good fit for this company. Put in my notice with current company and took off a week to tie loose ends up at home. Was flown out to GRR and put in a hotel. Following day took driving test and was then told I did not pass driving test due to excessive button hooks. Honestly after going over the driving test I only recalled one time I even came close to the lane next to me. Heres my point this company showed me the dark truth of the trucking industry. Big promises of family oriented, good money, lots of home time, but none of it materialized. Thank God my current company understood I was trying to do better for my family. And gracefully took me back. Now that's a company with "integrity". A word I wonder if sweet express understands the meaning of.


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