Bianca Taylor

3 years ago

Time for an updated review .

Time for an updated review .
One thing they couldnt take away was my joy peace and happiness. I and my 2 boys have lived here for 2 n 1/2 months the first 26 days was ok. I was drawn here by the fact they said they were christian based, but i soon found out it was wolf in sheep's clothing. I came into the mission in march with my hand in a cast due to a wreck that i had on feb 24th. Despite that i did my chores and all that was asked of me. My caseworker Bri told me i had to stop going to my appointments and that i had to go to their mandatory classes, so i did what i had to do to stay. Yes i lost my case and missed my therapy. My last appointment clashed with one of the work faith classes so i had to start over again. Coming up on almost 30 days i was pulled into the office by caseworker to do a random drug screen i agreed because i knew it would come out just as i came that i had thc and medication from the wreck in my system. They said the test was because they were told by a source that i was seen walking smoking weed being that i use to smoke i told her maybe it was the way i hold my cigs but it wasnt me they saw. They then told me that i would have to leave. I didnt understand because i told her upon intake that i was a smoker but the lady said i didnt. But my intake paperwork showed that i indeed had thc in my system at intake. I was told that i was there under false pretenses, so They then began to come up with every excuse as to why i was let in with thc being that i was supposedly not had been let in. The other case worker (Tameka even told me that the medication i was taking made it show up. Which is false because none of the medication i took would do that. the caseworker (Bri is very rude and unprofessional and ghetto. I have rode in the transportation van and was told by the driver Tajauna very personal information about other ladies who stayed there and i felt very uncomfortable of the fact that one she was telling me willingly n freely and two that she even knew what was going on inside. Ive seen everyday caseworker Tameka Bri and the driver tajuana everyday go in their office when the day is almost up to gossip about ladies who stay there. I watched a womans child before and caseworker Bri asked me why? To help cause we all in here together they dont take babies at the daycare there which she knew of course . and her response was you cant help everybody. Im making this post because there are alot of good ppl there that are being sone wrong and God is going to show up and show out. Yes i was put out. Yes it hurt because i did everything they asked and even volunteered all just to get tossed aside like nothing because of he say she say. No real proof No evidence just someone elses words. The bread is all old in the morning cause thats all breakfast was dont believe me i have pictures. So i would starve until lunch which may be just a hot dog and veggies . also have pics of the food. The staff is very messy and unprofessional to me and alot of others. The best part of being there was the events 1 cause we know we were gonna finally eat real food and 2 because i met some beautiful Christian souls. I believe that this place will not last long if they keep the same workers there. Ive seen 2 pregnant women come and have c-section deliveries and soon as they came back from the hospital the workers there made them walk and do chores and its not right at all. Babies getting sick from mold. This place is far from christian but they do paint a pretty picture for donations and best believe when they know a donor is coming they cleaning and putting on fake smiles just to go back to the same professionalism they was at first. Its all a game and all a mask. The staff needs drug testing especially the transportation driver one minute she down next she up up up . just telling my experience. Just go to star of hope. The outside looks nice but its the inside that made this a horrible place.
Below are the pictures of molded food ...a roach...


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