ITL Garage

4 years ago

Real estate agent, Jasmine Matta, has continuously...

Real estate agent, Jasmine Matta, has continuously exhibited unprofessional and negligent behavior during our contract. I reached out to her and asked her to take down the listing because I wanted to use another agent, after acknowledging that our contract expired on March 6th. I never mentioned anything about her poor work ethic or that I felt like the fact we received zero offers was any fault of hers. I simply wanted her to take down the listings so I could use another agent. Her response was shocking and unwarranted, as she became unprofessionally defensive, insinuating that it was my fault there were no offers. It is so unprofessional for someone who I am hiring to attack me when I want to go in a different direction and claim that it's my fault that my house didn't sell. Secondly, the reason I decided to go in a different direction is because I was under the impression that Ms. Matta was not taking my listing very seriously. There were many transgressions, including the fact that she was constantly out of town, did not perform more than one open house on my property, and would change the asking price on one platform and neglect to change it on others. Her performance was disappointing, to say they least, yet I never held it against her until she lashed out on me due to my decision to terminate her handling of my listing. Ms. Matta also, very unprofessionally, claimed that the reason that my house did not sell was because of a marijuana smell. This is yet another ridiculous claim because Ms. Matta was aware of all "issues" with the house before she agreed to take my listing, smell included. Additionally, the smell she referred to at the beginning of this process was described as a "smoky" smell. I am a smoker and made the mistake of smoking cigarettes in my home before I decided I wanted to sell it. Since beginning my contract with Ms. Matta, I made continual efforts to rid the house of the smell by replacing carpet and repainting. She even came to the home to inspect the smell and gave it a green light before she decided to bring in potential buyers (while also bringing her boyfriend into the house without asking me). Therefore, her throwing the lifestyle choices of her client in their face because I simply want to go with a different agent and try to pin blame on them is a horrible reflection on her work ethic, professionalism, and the reputation of her broker and Berkshire Hathaway. She refuses to take the listing down, despite my repeated requests for her to do so and is actively trying to hinder my collaboration with my other agent.
Ms. Matta refused to do as I asked on the claim that she needed to speak with her broker first. Mr. Mathews is another issue. I reached out to him several times to get into contact with him to discuss the negligence and unprofessionalism of his agent. He received my calls and even texted that he would call me later, yet did not reach out. This is a clear indication that this broker is not interested in the performance and quality of his agents. Mr. Mathews clearly cannot handle the responsibility of a broker due to the fact that he cannot facilitate the necessary and simple solution of having his agent remove the listing. His negligence mirrors that of his agent, and both of them reflect their company's reputation very poorly.

Finally, without notifying me, she allowed a viewing to take place in my home. Unaware of the showing, I was shocked to hear that she was still sending people into my home without my permission and, even more disturbingly, after I fired her. The agent was very understanding that I was not ready for a showing and acknowledged the unprofessionalism of the situation. This situation was extremely problematic because Ms. Matta gave my personal home entry-code to another agent, as if everything was fine on her end, and in my mind I am under the impression that someone is breaking into my home. Her actions were borderline criminal and an extreme invasion of my privacy.


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