Danny D

3 years ago

I've cleaned up the language, but below is my expe...

I've cleaned up the language, but below is my experience calling other companies. This is from a direct copy/paste (other than the cleaned up language) rant I put on Facebook. Rant below:

Mother (bleeper). The whole plumbing industry can F off. Hardly any of these (bleeps) answer the phone. The few who do or even have a voice answering machine- don't call back.

Starting Monday, I called this guy at about 2PM. He didn't A, but I left a message. No biggie. I figure he's on a job. He calls back at 5, but I miss the call. I call back about 20 minutes later, no answer. I figured Tuesday we'll reconnect. No biggie. Tues rolls around and I haven't heard from him since.

Wed I figure I'll call around. None of these (bleeps) A. I've left a few messages, but none call back. A lot of these guys, the phone just rings and rings.

Thurs I'm up at 9AM calling more. A lot of the same thing. I finally get a human being, and she's gonna have the scheduler call me back shortly. It's 11AM right now. Over an hour later, and still no call back. Unreal.

I'm not just talking 1 or 2 companies here. Not even 3 or 4. I'm probably up to about 15 by now. I'm not sure what I'm missing, but I don't see how these people stay in business. I see a fair amount that have 20 reviews or however many, with a lot of 5 star reviews, and even these companies don't answer the phone.

Rant over. Thanks for reading. Back to making calls.
That's the end of the rant. That was about 11AM on Thursday. My karma must have been good, because the next call I made was to Blessing. By 2:30 they had already come and gone. On one hand I wish I'd called them first. On the other hand, I'm glad I went through the process so I can see what the others are like. There's no doubt in my mind that I got the right people.


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