Erica Dowd

4 years ago

This weekend I paid to attend an event at The Marr...

This weekend I paid to attend an event at The Marriott Hotel in Overland Park. I paid $997.00 for this event. It was a bait and switch event. They told me that If I showed up and paid the $997.00 that I would be given access to their lenders. They told us that they would fully train us on how to flip houses. So we all showed up to this class and they told us we had to pay $24,000.00 for the rest of the training. Not to mention that they instructed us to fill out a credit application that was their company. The credit application was through CREDITNAV.COM and it locked everyone into a monthly contract of 29.99 and they shared and sold people's personal information from this site. So after I realized that this place was a scam, I left on the first day of class. I also disputed the charges and called and emailed KELLIE CLARKE that I was now aware that they were scamming people and I wanted a refund. So I didn't show up to the class on Saturday at the Marriott hotel. But because I had not received a response, I went back up to the Hotel on Sunday. I asked a few guys what had happend in class on Saturday. They told me that they had been pressured into giving THE RESPONSE MARKETING TEAM, SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS. So now, I am mad. So I walked into class and informed everyone that this was a scam and that they needed to immediately cancel all charges on their cards. Well, a Response employee came over to me and starting nudging me with her arm to leave. She kept repeating LEAVE and she was putting her arm and weight on my body. WHICH IS ASSAULT. So I told them, refund me and everyone in here and I will leave or call the cops. Well, they didn't want to call the cops because they are scam artists and odds are they all have warrants or records. So I wait for the cops, they don't come. Then they send this big girl at the front desk to escort me out. Fine, whatever. So I call the cops and request an officer come out because I wanted to do something about the girl putting her hands on me in the class room. Well, the officer that was sent out didn't even listen to me. He thought I said the Hotel staff put their hands on me when I clearly said it was the Response team and it happened inside the class room. So he went over and talked to the Hotel staff and the Response team and of course, everyone denied everything. The response marketing team scammed myself and 30-35 people out of $30,000.00 and that was just to show up to the class. AFTER the class, they probably scammed those people out of $30,000-$50,000 dollars. So they are leaving OVERLAND PARK Kansas with 80,000-100,000 of money that they will pocket! AND THE OFFICER DID NOT CARE. He didn't care that someone had put their hands on me. And he didn't care that the citizens of Overland Park, and Kansas city were getting SCAMMED. Glad our tax dollars pay for this service. It is completely pointless too call the police for anything. They never do anything about anything.


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