
3 years ago

I inquired about refinancing rates online, I was c...

I inquired about refinancing rates online, I was contacted by Quicken Loan agent Levi Workman. We had over a 50 min conversation. I let the agent know what rate I currently have, also made clear that I do not want to have a hard hit on my credit report, which the Agent assure me more than once that he would do " soft credit" inquiry - which he needs as per his statement - to do a quote for me.

He stated ( calls are recorded ) that it will cost me 2-3 points. Which- to my understanding - a soft credit inquiry wouldn t cause any HIT to my FICO Score.

2 days after this conversation I RECEIVED an alert from credit office that someone did credit inquiry, checking my account to find out that Mr. Workman did HARD inquiry on my credit which cost me 6 points and will stay there for a very long time.

To top it off, today, LOAN APPLICATION documents from Quicken Loans arrived in the mail!

During our initial 50 minute conversation, I informed the agent not to waste my time
if he cannot offer me refinancing 2% or less, because my current is 3%.

Loan application which he sent me - without my agreement nor knowledge - is showing almost the same rate which I have currently , home owners insurance showing $200 more and closing cost of $9,386 .

Agent did this ridiculous loan application without my knowledge, without consulting any of this numbers with me and now has lowered my FICO Score 6 points.

I called Quicken several times with complaint and request to remove my credit inquiry from my report, although Quicken has the full recorded conversation with me and Levi Workman, they are denying that Levi did anything wrong.

Agent Levi Workman was acting in very unethical way and was not transparent, honest when communicating with me.

This agent needs to pay consequences for his action. I had several loans with Quicken before, but the way Quicken became today is not acceptable and I will never again do business with them.

I spoke to Juliana from Quicken Loans, Senior Research Team, I also spoke to Jill Funtukis, which was not helpful at all, and I requested to talk to Jeff Szerdi - whom I will be calling after New year to follow up on my complaint.

It seems like in today s world Quicken became a company whom you cannot trust - all they care is about their profit - at all cost.


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