Anita Brown

4 years ago

It has not been easy for residents or their famili...

It has not been easy for residents or their families during this pandemic. The separation anxiety and worry can be overwhelming. We understand there must be a balance between a need for safety and the family contact and connection that is a key component of their healing and wellness.

I am pleased to say that whenever we had any issue, the administrator s response was immediate and thorough. Mr. Wolf looked into every concern, directed the relevant staff members to address it & then followed up to make sure the situation was remedied. We understand that during this pandemic, the staff has been working hard and is under extreme pressure as well, and we appreciate them.

We have not experienced this type of expeditious response in any of my mother s former residences (and these were before Covid restrictions and limited contact was a factor), and I must say it is a pleasant surprise & most refreshing.

Needless to say, we are extremely grateful and can rest a little easier as a result. Many thanks to Mr. Wolf, Dina and a few others who have been extremely helpful. Keep up the good work and I can t say it enough. THANK YOU!


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