4 years ago

So we're at the little league baseball game. An i ...

So we're at the little league baseball game. An i would just like to know how much the ump got paid to cheat. You missed called 4 obvious calls. You know who you are. An the coach of the winning team knew! An coach 2 on first base i seen your hand jester to the losing team. I got your pic. You also know who you are!! (Yankies) You guys must have really paid the (little) ump enough to get him supper last night at long horns. An congrats on teaching the kids sportsmanship! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. ALTHOUGH I have to say the score was 7 to 8. Would have been 10 to 8 but that's what happens when you get paid to miss call games! Shame on you! What goes around comes around!


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