3 years ago

I went through a roller coaster of a ride with my ...

I went through a roller coaster of a ride with my 3rd vehicle purchase from this dealership. It started off by being contacted by Richard Harris for the trade up program with my current lease. I was not looking at the time for a new vehicle but he let me know of a Nissan GTR that was available and I decided to check it out.

I went in that day drove the GTR and loved it, we worked out numbers for the car and gave them an offer that was not accepted. No problem I understood and said to myself ill just wait until I can get it for that price.

2 days later I get a follow up call from the dealer saying we do the deal at the price you wanted. Ok so now I am pulled back in. Richard was working to get me what I requested and brought his manager James in which made the proposal of the deal. 3 days go by, car has dent fixed (perfectly) and complete inspection done. Financials are still not finalized, at this point I am getting irritated as I was approved on Friday for the loan (818 credit score) but its now Monday and still nothing.

Finally Tuesday I was told to come in discuss and fight for your deal that you want because we believe you can get it. Well ok....this is the last effort I am giving. I sit down with the Financial officer at the dealership who almost caused this entire deal to fail. This entire deal is for almost $100,000 car and the financial employee cuts me off MID conversation 4-6 times answering his phone. I understand people have bad days, but you treat every customer with respect and I had 2 thoughts take his phone and slam it on the ground, walk out of the dealership or just hold my cool. I held my cool said that sounds good you've got a deal I want to test drive the car again. At that point I vented to Richard Harris who completely understood the situation. After the test drive the financial employee came back to me saying lets do this ! Its your dream car, come on lets sign! I said I need time to think and proceeded to talk to the GM's assistant on my situation. She was in aww of the experience I had and calmed me down a bit and wrote to Bob (who I still have not heard from) and setup a meeting with the GSM Ron Wordon. After about an hour conversation with Ron and James they made very valid points and seem extremely sympathetic to my situation. I decided to take a day and think about the deal.

Next day I decided not let one bad employee ruin my opportunity to get my dream car. Richard Harris made Wednesday an extremely easy day, it was a day to celebrate getting my dream car and my hard work paying off. The financial officer I dealt with who I will name Angelo was awesome. Answered all my questions with no BS attitude. I drove off that day a proud owner of my Nissan GTR and appreciation for all the hard work Richard Harris, James Berger put in to ease the crap behind the scenes Im sure almost all dealerships have. This is my 3rd purchase from this dealership, still may be my last from them but overall I am happy with the outcome.

Richard Harris A+ Friendly and awesome to deal with.
James Berger A Awesome for a manager to step up when needed
Ron Wordon B- (just got involved to late in the game)
First Financial Officer F (Either to busy or lack of customer service is non existent)
Angelo A+ He's the man


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