4 years ago

For years I have needed to use G. Marconi for the ...

For years I have needed to use G. Marconi for the movement of family members and unfortunately it is a continuous ordeal.
First the chaos for parking, then the chaos for the works at the parking lot then again the chaos for parking, barriers for Telepass that don't always work, the Kiss & Fly that is often so clogged, that the 10 minutes available are not enough to to drop a person with hand luggage with consequent payment of 3.50 for the 3/4 minutes overdue. We are not talking about the frequent and very risky crossing that often takes place
forced to carry on boarding with luggage, if one leaves the car at the parking lot 3. Still on the subject of luggage, just yesterday, returning from Dubai, a wait of one hour causes continuous interruptions of the carpet, luggage that due to inexperience with which they were loaded they fell in the curves. of the snake. Cases ruined and opened with the contents turning and rolling along the tape. Many things to improve and for too long, an airport is not only big for the number of flights it makes.


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