
Review of Nexperia

5 months ago

Review- working at nexperia.

I was in RE1 PowerApps team. Manager : Sami Ahmed. HR advisor: Sarah Bond.

Some of my experiences while working there-
Manager said- you have not been hired to learn but to contribute. I have never heard this type of comment ever before in my previous work experience- after working for 11 years in Texas Instruments across different time zones and different managers.

Manager bullies, verbally harasses, micromanages a lot.
I told him once about micromanagement. He said- micromanagement will continue. It will be there. Another time he mentioned on call on the lines of that he will continue harassing me until i become like how he wants.

FlexibilIty- Nil. U have to come to office 9-5.30 or 37.5 work hrs. If u leave half hr early, u receive call from manager. You will feel afraid to take even 1 day wfh even if you can.
If you take sick leave,my God- it is as if you committed some crime.
Manager tells me - his previous companies(early career may be 15-20 years back) used to call him at 6 am and if he got late by 15 min they would mark that as absence.
It appears they want to abuse newcomers as they themselves were mistreated earlier in jobs..
Manager used to talk to me about his religion(islam) that how it does not permit him to treat some employees favorably over others.
I did not like someone of that senior level(54 yrs old) talking about religion instead of giving a professional feedback.

There is great lack of professionalism, consistency, lack of planning and respect in the Re1 powermos apps team (Sami Ahmed). It is not right- you cannot be 54 years old and behave like this in a company that is growing and wants to meet 10B mark. Manager writes in Teams at 6 pm asking the team - does anyone know how to use Netflix on laptop? I am surprised he is 54 years old and he has daughters at home to ask for help on this but he is asking young guys and girls in his team regarding this. So immature.

HR: Sarah Bond does not try to find what is right or wrong. She is just doing what manager tells to her. she did not even ask me even once during that 1 year period of any issues being faced,etc. Sarah Bond, no hard feelings but based on this - you are a disgrace to Nexperia. You never requested for me even a short 1-1 for full1 year and then suddenly you ask me at last moment forcing me to resign.

Based on my experience , Their (Sami Ahmed and Sarah Bond) way of working/ideology is this- Submit to them or face consequences. Very authoritarian.
Try other teams if u can..it is kind of "corporate Hamas".

Manager tells me to share my dc/dc knoweldge(which i learnt at Texas Instruments) only with him and not with anyone else. When i try to take help of automotive apps, he refrains. It is not encouraged to take help of other teams . Very limited cross functional communication.
Manager uses this word- "Nonsense" to me several times. He says to me - you have no idea how much pressure i am under. He shows me his written messages of another colleague that he too asks them at 6 pm of status of the project- unprofessional

One day i came at 8 and was leaving at 4:15...saw my manager just told him casually i m leaving as i came early today. He said 15 minutes are still remaining. Another day i came at 8:50 -worked full day in lab and left at 5. He messages me while i am on way home. I tell i came at 9 ,left at 5. I am saturated as full day i was in lab. He gets angry that 0.5 hr is still remaining.

Sami Ahmed has already lived his life- he is quite old and in his last phases.wishing him all the best. Sarah Bond because u have not tried to discern right and wrong and spoken evil with your mouth- let God deal with you(it is terrible to fall into the hands of living God)

The other day i was checking all latest reviews on glassdoor for Nexperia- similar type of feedbacks especially w.r.t bad management. Please check out on your own as well.

Thank you.


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