Hannah James

3 years ago

I'm not happy with the place at all!

I'm not happy with the place at all!
If you complain about the children, they just group together and do it even more.

Riding their bikes in the middle of the road outside of the school has been a problem as long as I can remember. Doing wheelies. The usual suspects who try to annoy parents who want to see their child get to school safely (partly due to menaces such as you).
There are only a handful of teachers in that school with any sense of decorum and understanding.

Just going through the reviews on here echoes everything that I have been saying for the past year or more.
Somebody will get seriously hurt in that school, but nobody will go to jail over it even though they were warned time and time and time again.
The education authorities will hide behind the big walls of incompetence or play 'Pass the buck' and claim, " We will learn from our mistakes," and all the other excuses they normally spout.

The bullying in there is disgusting.

The police are useless, often turning up for one day after something happens and then you don't see them again.

Students belongings are being stolen or hidden, from trainers to pens and pencil cases. This is pure theft Of which, the parents have to pay to replace everything.

Looking at that school, it's not just the unruly kids that need sorting out, some of their parents need a proper kick up the backside!

When your children are riding erratically, and dangerously in the middle of the road, it will be us (as car drivers) who are demonised and penalised financially through vehicle insurance when you're little 'Cherubs' end up on the front of our bonnets.
The authorities, as usual, will know you are partly to blame, although, they won't have the guts to say because you will all be too busy milking the sympathy and cries of "He/she was a lovely child."
Meanwhile others will think differently!

If you are going to give young children a bike at least make them read a book on how to use it and what the rules/laws are.
Or are you too stupid to care?

The school need to start referring the troublesome children's families to 'Social Services'. Somebody needs to take a look inside their heads because something isn't right!

Mind you, when a pupil says "Sir, what are you doing outside here," at home time, for him to reply, "What are you doing outside of here?"
He has a point. Go home!
It is the same on a morning, you don't need to be hanging around and causing a nuisance outside. The teachers can only do so much as they are powerless in the grand scheme of it all. Many are quitting on a national level.

I'm sick of the ignorance!

If my children behaved like that, I can assure you, they won't get away with it!

The best advice I can give you will come for FREE.
Take note of what your children are doing and being subjected to. You wouldn't want to come home and find them hanging from the ceiling because YOU were too ignorant to be vigilant!


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