Richey Boy RKO

4 years ago

Lets start with all I can say about the company th...

Lets start with all I can say about the company thats its family oriantated which features within supervisors and management that decides who gets sacked/dismissed from their job under strange bizzare circumstances.

The work is okay as in that it pays well, also on time and the transportation is superb.

During my time there working at the races I noticed that staff are not looked after during hot weather conditions such as lack of water but more coffee and tea which is ideal and opitional than water. Also none of suncream is provided while being forced to stand out in exposure of heat and lacking any shade in the working enviroment. Personally I think the management is so bone idol for not noticing this or are they just turning blind eyes. To me that is very lacking common sence.

Also another episode there at the races I worked 4 days in a row, the 4th day during our introduction before work started I got a very unnecessary telling of by the owner (S) becasue I was sitting down listning to the introduction while at the same time feeling Dehydrated from heat, while also my legs were sore by seizing which was abit painful for long periods of standing for so long. I didnt appreciate being forced to stand by (s) I personally thought it was very rude, disrespectful, and Hypercritical becasuse as staff within the company we told by company policy that we need to look after each other and take care of our own in any circumstances. That day (s) I lost total respect for her becasue of her abusive attitude towards me theres just no excuse for that at all in the workplace.
The next day I get some strange text messages from my supervisor that I am deliberty jumping ship from the company and also having other members of staff whom were never mentioned said that I said all these things. I mentioned that It was lies and untrue, so they decided that I got dismissed asap without hearing what I have to say or object to that Message. I thought the way they dismissed me was very unfair and Bone idol, poor excuses of a company. I wouldnt recccomend working for this company


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