Judy Thomas

4 years ago

Dear Healthy Paws,

Dear Healthy Paws,

I am 68 years old, disabled and on social security. The love of my life is in your care. My heart is in your hands.

Without Healthy Paws, my little boy, Dude, would have had to be euthanized because I could not have afforded the doctors who are healing him. I live a simple life. It s just Dude and me, 24/7 buddies. We wake up together, walk together, play together and fall asleep peacefully together. When Dude started having unexpected problems, Healthy Paws was right beside me, making it possible to pull him through. I would have been shattered without Healthy Paws.

I was prepared to exhaust all my meager savings to keep Dude alive. I was prepared to lose my house to save him. Healthy Paws prevented me from financial ruin and saved my best friend.

My best advice to people who love their pets: Protect your heart with Healthy Paws insurance:

If you don t have insurance, and you are researching, STOP as soon as you find Healthy Paws and enroll.

If you already have Healthy Paws insurance, do a good deed, and refer others to sign up.

Healthy Paws reps pick up every phone call. The reps are compassionate. They have pets of their own and they listen and wrap their arms around you. They understand what you are going through and the fear you feel. They are efficient and get your claims moving through the system to the right people. They turn around reimbursements quickly and they deliver exactly what they promised you when you signed up with them.

What does the future hold for me and Dude?

During Dude s stomach surgery, they discovered the source of his previous health problems. He has a liver shunt that is preventing his liver from working properly to filter toxins and bypassing blood flow to his liver, damaging it. He is scheduled for one last surgery, which will restore his liver so that Dude will live a long healthy life. Dude is in God s hands now, with the help of the skilled hands of his surgeon. Healthy Paws is still by my side.

My hope is this. I will dutifully pay my premiums every month for the rest of my life and NEVER HAVE TO UPLOAD ANOTHER CLAIM. Dude will be healthy and he will live a long life. I will watch him sashay down the sidewalk like he used to. He and I will wrestle with his kitty sock puppet again. And every night, like he always does, he will wrap his arms around my neck and he ll fall asleep on my head.

Thank you, Healthy Paws. You did all this for me and much more.

Judy Thomas


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