Awesomein360 aka Tiago Wolf

3 years ago

The Vasco da Gama Bridge was inaugurated on March ...

The Vasco da Gama Bridge was inaugurated on March 29, 1998, two months before the opening of the World Exhibition. Its name commemorates the 500th anniversary of the arrival of Vasco da Gama in India, which took place in May 1498. At the inauguration of the bridge, a feijoada was served, which was entitled to registration in Guinness World Records.

With 12.3 km in length, which are divided into 0.8 km of main bridge and 11.5 km of viaducts, it is the longest bridge in Europe.

On the north bank, the chosen route collided with the existence of slums and clandestine warehouses.

A week before its inauguration, the bridge broke a Guinness record: it gathered around 15 thousand people, at a table 5 km long, for the largest feijoada in the world.


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