Adrian Biscamp-Adams

4 years ago

I took my pregnant sister to be induced this past ...

I took my pregnant sister to be induced this past August & I have NEVER seen such AMAZING, DEDICATED, SWEET, KIND, & HARDWORKING NURSES! I was EXTREMELY IMPRESSED with every single nurse that my sister had! On another note, my sisters ob/gyn Dr. Sprott was AWFUL!! I HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND NO ONE EVER USE THIS PARTICULAR DOCTOR! HE MADE BEYOND RUDE & INAPPROPRIATE COMMENTS THE ENTIRE TIME HE WAS DELIVERING MY NEPHEW! One comment he made was so nasty & embarrassing for my sister that I decided right then & there to report him. I do not know how to report a doctor, because thankfully I've never had to! However, I absolutely REFUSE to let this rude & inappropriately behaving doctor with not one single millimeter of bed side manner get away with treating my sister like he did. & if he treated my sister as awfully as he did, then I'm more than sure she wasn't the 1st nor the last to be treated like sh*t! Other than him, the hospital was darn near perfect!


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