Josh Whitesell

3 years ago

I live near this church and the bells are extremel...

I live near this church and the bells are extremely annoying. At first they are nice to hear, but they play them for FAR TOO LONG. They literally play full length songs, and then will go on to play 8-10 (or more) full length songs in a row. So it turns into 45+ minutes of non stop church bell ringing that is extremely loud and annoying, and they continue to do this throughout the day. It wouldn't be so bad if they played 1 or 2 songs and kept it short and sweet, but to go on, and on, and on, it becomes quite the ear sore. I wish they would simply keep it to 1-2 songs per hour. That would still be nice and beautiful to hear, without turning into a drawn out bothersome annoyance that won't go away.

Comments: (1)

What a baby comment. And bigot. Would you DARE say the same thing about loudspeakers on our streets all the time with the " call" singing to mandatory Muslim prayer ? Or an organ wailing from a storefront service inan urban area? No, you wouldn't. Are you just dredging something up hurts from your sad little life ?

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