J Lambert

4 years ago

We moved to TN from NC in August and wanted to fin...

We moved to TN from NC in August and wanted to find a pre-school for my son. We didn't know anyone who had been to this church preschool, but I found it online and signed him up. His 2 teachers were fairly nice at first, but after a month and a half, they had child protective services come to my house because my son had a bruise and a scratch. There was never any verbal questions or concerns from the teachers, always fake smiles and told me he had a wonderful day...Of course child protective services found NO case, just found that he's a very active little boy who trips,falls, plays rough. We were very upset and shocked about this, it shook us to the core! So my husband and I wrote a long concerned letter to Pastor Michael Bannon, who never responded to us. I reached out to him and finally after a couple weeks he wrote back and said he would meet with the teachers and directors. Another week goes by so I write. He said he would give us a response the next week. Nothing. Finally I called his office and got him on the phone. (3 weeks passed) He said that he didn't get back to us because he had been swamped. He absolutely had no empathy or concern for what we had just gone through,and he simply wrote us off in a VERY rude manner. Never had someone care any less!

So....long story short. At this school you will pay a LOT of money monthly for very little daily education for your child. And if your child happens to play rough and get a bruise once in a while, be prepared to have Child Protective Services show up at your door out of the blue. Very fishy and really seemed vindictive as if they just wanted my son out of there. Luckily we have found him an amazing school now, the one we originally wanted but were on a waiting list, and we have had zero issues. There is something going on with First School United Pre-school, and it's not good! Do some research before you sign your kiddo up!


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