Sarah Stone

3 years ago

If I could give less than a 1 star, I would. I wri...

If I could give less than a 1 star, I would. I write this as a warning to others who are thinking of taking their animals there. (Disclosure: I do not like to write negative reviews. I much rather praise people and businesses than write a less than flattering review).

I had an English Springer that was my life. I loved him more than anything. Unfortunately, he had a chronic ear infection in his left ear. ONLY his left ear. We tried countless times to get his ear healed and free of infection. After a couple years of treating it, with several different medication ointments, the Dr instructed us that the best solution for Stolie was to have a partial ear canal removal. This would allow air to get into his ear drum and let it breathe easier, thus solving his issue. At the time, I was a stay at home mom, and an extra $300 was a little harder to come by. After discussing it with my husband, and the vet again, we decided to have the procedure done. At the time of the surgery, I was about 8 months pregnant with our son, so my husband took him to the vet in my place.

Once Stolie got home, the first thing I noticed was that he did not have a cone on. He could easily scratch or paw at it. I walked up to him and noticed he was shaking his head to one side. I reached down and pet his head and ear that I knew was ok. He yelped and started whining uncomfortably. I thought that it was odd, so I looked at the ear (His right ear) that was always ok. The vet operated on the wrong ear!!!! I panicked and called my husband into the room to show him. We got Stolie to lay down to examine him, and saw that she had indeed operated on his right ear instead of the left. His left ear was still full of infection and drainage. Now my poor poor boy was in excruciating pain in BOTH ears.

I called the vet clinic and was told she was gone for the day. The other vet told me that there was no way that she had done that and he would have her contact me first thing in the morning.

The next morning she called. She didn t start with Hello, this is Dr Leigh... . She started the conversation with, I was told that you believe I operated on the wrong ear? Basically calling me a liar. The conversation went downhill from there. She made up every excuse she could to place blame on my husband and I. She said we must have issues in our marriage that if you knew what ear it was, YOU should have brought him in to he signed a form stating which ear it was . Lie, lie, lie.

I don t think I need to go into any more details to show how this woman hurt my dog, or her lack of remorse in doing so. We took him to her for almost 5 years. 5 years we had him seen and treated for the same problem. Never did it get any better for him there. Anyone that knows me, knows how much I love my fur babies. I did everything I could to try to make this better for him. It was unfortunate that he had to go through so much more because she couldn t read her chart... or flip him to his other side to see a VERY VERY VISIBLE INFECTION. Instead, our character came under attack by her.

After the phone call, my husband went there, insisted on seeing the charts and form he signed. It couldn t be produced. She agreed to operate on his other ear, but we would have to pay for anesthesia. Knowing that it would be awhile before we would be able to afford another surgery, we agreed. I regret that decision greatly. I should have done more for my pup. I should have fought harder for justice for him. But, I just wanted him to be free of pain.

The surgery did not fix or help his ear. It was a waste of money, and a lot of pain for him. We decided to take him to a different vet clinic. The vet that treated him had it under control and cured within a month. He lived the rest of his life with very little ear issues. My boy deserved so much better treatment. Instead he was just another dollar to line her pockets. He was discardable to her... but not to me.

Remember my story as a warning. Think of my boy, Stolie. He deserved better... and so do you!!!!!


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