
4 years ago

At the ticket office there are INCOMPETENT and INC...

At the ticket office there are INCOMPETENT and INCAPACED people.
People with some saint in heaven, recommended to stay there and be paid only to warm up the chair, with no desire to work and no respect for others.
Parasites, recommended, paid with public money, all deserve to be fired.

I phoned on Wednesday at 1pm asking if it would be possible to buy tickets for the Sunday evening general rehearsal for Madama Butterfly. The attendant, who perhaps considered too much effort to consult the computer to check availability, replied that the tickets were available and listed the prices for the balcony, the stage and the audience, letting me understand that I was spoiled for choice.
He tells me that tickets to the dress rehearsal cannot be booked over the phone or purchased online, I have to go to the ticket office in person. He tells me that I can buy them every day from 10am to 9pm and Sunday until 6pm (show start time!), Letting me understand once again that I'm spoiled for choice.
However I decide to go immediately, the same Wednesday, a few hours after the phone call, I leave from Nola, I do 35 km, I face the congested traffic of Naples, work in progress, finding parking is a mirage, finally parking at 1 km from the theater, there I arrive and ask to buy two tickets for the Sunday dress rehearsal.
The guy at the ticket office is the same one who answered the phone to me, I recognize him from the voice, he looks at me with a seraphic air, protected by his faux-intellectual scarf, and he tells me that the tickets are all sold out, there are only three left in the stages, but due to a computer system error they cannot be purchased or booked !!!
I returned home after two and a half hours of traffic, empty-handed and full of anger.
Now I say, when I phoned, a person with a minimum of desire to work, would have consulted the computer, he would have warned me that the tickets were almost sold out (or perhaps already sold out?) And he would have urged me to go immediately to the place, maybe calling again before leaving to make sure they were not finished.
Instead the guy has seen fit to recite from memory the prices of the various categories of tickets and the weekly timetables of the ticket office, a standard answer good for all the occasions !!!
Unable, parasitic, recommended.


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