3 years ago

I'm only giving it 1 star because I cant give it a...

I'm only giving it 1 star because I cant give it a Zero. My Yorkie was sick. Throwing up everything she ate including the water she drank. She was shivering and lethargic. I felt so sorry for her and scared of losing her. This was on a weekend,. Had no money at all at the time but I had CareCredit. I received it in May 16th/2016 and I never used it. They did her blood work and x-rays. She was diagnosed with kidney failure. There was more test that could be done to find the cause. I told them to use my CareCredit. The receptionist came back and told me my account was closed. I was shocked! I had no other way of paying the bill. She kept telling us we needed to pay the bill before we leave. Made us phone family and friends, reapply for CareCredit right there...Couldn't come up with it. Still telling us we needed to pay for it before we could leave. I felt like a hostage...They wanted the money before we could leave.Then stated their going to take us to small claim court and they will do it the next day which was on a Monday. Gave us no other options to resolve the issue. They wanted money!! No compassion what so ever. No understanding at all. My baby was sick..now I have to go to court. They wouldn't listen...Couldn't wait a week for us to get the money. I wish I never went there. I feel worse now then I did before I went there. Then I find out from other pet owners they paid l half as much for the same services I got. It's all about money for them, nothing else!! Checked my CareCredit accout when I got home. It was closed because it was inactive. If you don't use your CareCredit for 7months they close your account and they will not reopen it.
I'm at a lose right now...How can they treat a person like this!!


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