Jocquin Kent Abell Theodorus

4 years ago


EPCI - Oil & Gas Contractor Company,
Energy Word Corp. Ltd.HK

SKLNG - Production plant & Export terminal project Langkenna
Keera - Kab. Wajo

Natural Gas Liquefaction Process
There are two types of LNG terminals, which are terminals that convert natural gas into LNG and an LNG terminal that converts back into natural gas. Each of them is referred to as the disbursement terminal and regasification terminal. The disbursement terminal is on the export transaction side and the regasification terminal is on the import transaction side.

The liquefaction terminal generally receives natural gas through pipelines from the field. Before that liquefied gas must be cleaned of water, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and other impurities that might freeze and become corrosive or disrupt the liquefaction process. After that the liquid LNG is sent by pipeline to an LNG carrier or to storage to wait for transportation.

The regasification terminal receives natural gas usually by ship from another location. At the regasification terminal, LNG may be temporarily stored or sent directly to the regasification plant. After regasification, LNG is sent by the pipe to be distributed or placed in temporary storage until needed.
LNG liquefaction and regasification
Figure of terminal liquefaction and regasification scheme for LNG.

Natural Gas Resources and LNG Consumers
The first major shipment of liquefied natural gas in the world occurred in 1964 when a ship filled with LNG in Algeria and sailed to Le Havre, France. Before 1964, natural gas in Algeria was a waste product from oil production. called "waste products" because there is no local market for natural gas and there is no pipe to transport gas to a remote location. Natural gas is only discharged into the atmosphere or burned at that location too.

LNG is currently exported from locations such as: Algeria, Egypt, Nigeria, Angola, Oman, Qatar, Yemen, Russia, Trinidad and Tobago, Australia, Malaysia, and Indonesia where natural gas production far exceeds their local market consumption capacity. At that location the price of natural gas was low because of the abundant amount but little local demand. Low prices offset the cost of building an LNG liquefaction plant, converting natural gas to LNG and bringing it to a distant market.

Japan, South Korea and Taiwan are the first major buyers of LNG. This area has a very high population and very little access to domestic fossil fuel resources. LNG gives them access to clean fuels, because this fuel is easy to distribute even though the pipeline is somewhere else. Many other countries now have regasification terminals, including Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, France, India, Italy, Greece, Mexico, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States.


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