Sudhir chamchareddy

3 years ago

This review is related to the hospitality section ...

This review is related to the hospitality section of Sabre also known as SHS. It has nothing to do with the Airlines section.

Whoever is reading this, if you are hired as a contractor to work for the SHS team of sabre, please do not join it at any cost. I am going to tell you guys in detail about the issues I faced there.

So here we go,
1)Their projects are all hotel websites built on outdated technologies like XSLT.

2)The code is messed up and they ask you to fix other people's mistakes.

3)It's gonna take you several days just to set up a simple website on your local. You will get no help. There are very few who know how to do it but they love seeing other people struggling to set up the site and wait till you goto them and beg for it.

4)There is absolutely no documentation and when you ask for it, they ask you "why do you need documentation? You should be experienced enough to set up website on local"

6) There is no planning. They will set up meetings literally on the day itself and expect you to join. The meetings can be at any time. Since SHS clients are from the US, the manager sets up meetings at 11pm, 12am without thinking much about how the employees are getting affected. This happens on a regular basis.

7)There is absolutely no resource management. The manager is a disgrace to the term manager and has no idea about how to manage a team. He just believes in infinite number of meetings. Just for namesake they follow agile practice. Their daily stand up meetings go beyond 1 hour everyday.

8)They "tell" you to work on weekends. They won't request you or ask you. Sometimes the manager will call you on a Saturday or Sunday and ask you to work.

9)There is zero work life balance

10)The higher ups from the US treat us Indians as slaves. They might talk to you nicely on your face but a lot of politics happens and even the manager is involved in this.

13)He has fired hard working people with 1 days notice just because he didn't like them and they were not south Indians. When asked, he always says performance issue which is the biggest lie.

14)The manager does not want any girls in his team. The reason is that he cannot humiliate, insult and control the girls like the way he does to the guys. He gets scared that girls might put mental harassment case against him.

15)Also the manager is a unhygienic dirty person. He goes to the washroom and doesn't wash his hands. The entire team of 20 plus people knew about this and always wiped their laptops if he ever touched it.

16)The company will never hire you as a permanent employee. They will hire you as a contractor so that they can fire you on the very day itself. Because of this, evil managers like this guy takes advantage of this and screw with people's career.

Guys, if you ever get a call to work for sabre, confirm if it is for the "SHS hospitality" team. If it is, please decline the offer. You will do yourself a big favor. Best of luck


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