4 years ago

Visited this dealership a few weeks back, on Memor...

Visited this dealership a few weeks back, on Memorial Day. Didn't have the best of experiences but brushed it off - that is until I received an email from their "general manager" a couple days later, May 29th. It was of course an automated email thanking me for the visit and making sure I was "treated with courtesy and respect" and that I was given an opportunity to "have a hassle-free purchasing experience".

Reading that email, I thought back to my experience and thought, "hey, since he sounds interested, I'll share". So I responded to him within a couple of hours, detailing why my experience on Memorial Day was not so great. It's been exactly 3 weeks - do you think I heard back? Nope. Since the GM doesn't care to follow-through with his own automated emails, I thought I'd leave here what I wrote him for others to understand how this place functions. Here's what I wrote him:

"It took us close to an hour to reach the dealership that day as we live quite a ways from it. Upon arriving, I indicated which vehicle I was interested in but that I wasn't purchasing just yet as I'm shopping around. Upon requesting an appraisal for my vehicle, I was told you can't do it unless we're working on a specific deal. Considering an appraisal takes 5-10 mins, it felt like a shut down - "if you're not buying, we're not going to spend the time with you".

Closer, local dealerships were happy to provide an appraisal regardless of circumstance and I now know where I stand with them once I'm ready to make the move. Since you guys are so far out, I don't see us making an additional trip up there anytime soon."

Realistically, the above experience would have resulted in a 3-ish star rating (nice people but wasted time, gas, effort). But given the nature of the GM's email, really hoping we were "treated with courtesy and respect", then not caring to care - adds insult to injury. Hence, the 1 star.


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