
sakura sakura
Review of Sakura Finetek

4 years ago

This review was posted on Gla$$door first but they...

This review was posted on Gla$$door first but they do not approve honest reviews.

I worked with this company for over a decade in the Engineering department BUT was never promoted and never seen anyone in the Engineering department being promoted. The work they imagine to do is far far away from reality or even possible technically hence they fail dramatically then Japan (headoffice) will come in and take over the project and will learn from failures and will not spend time researching and will eventually come up with simpler product. Felt like, SFA is doing prototypes for Sakura Japan only. Working in the Engineering Department is like killing your self-esteem first. The management has Chinese mentality who thinks he owns engineers and can yell at you anytime in front of anyone. The management unnecessarily intervenes into Mechanical, Electrical, Firmware and Software engineering and if he does not understand what other engineers are doing he will give them so hard time that will force engineers to quit. I have seen numerous engineers going out just because of this department's management. Even upper management supports this behavior. Because of those managements Sakura has lost a lot of good projects and a lot of good Engineers. What they have, is old school retired engineers. There is not much life in this department and it will go down the drain soon.
They have a fixed time to be at work if you are not here by that time you will be penalized, of course, there is not set time to go home. They do not want any employee to be late even if you drive 70 miles one way. Senior managers of the engineering are so disconnected with their own employees they barely know them. Moreover, the environment has been created by management in engineering dept in a way that employees are scared to laugh... scared to crack a joke. It is a pathetic environment for Engineers. Engineers are clearly scared (yes scared) to talk to their supervisor, it is like bunch of 2nd grader kids and the Principal.

The CEO of the company is only interested in dressing like Elvis and dancing. He has soooo much attitude no one in the company likes him. He is staying in the job because he brought the business from Japan to USA in 1986. He has another attitude of showing off, he will not talk to any employee but only to VPs. He never responds to any employee's greetings.

The company makes so much money but they present to their employees that they are not making money and bonus is in jeopardy, I have witnessed this EVERY SINGLE YEAR. The CEO will get BIG BONUS every year no matter if company makes money or not.

There is no motivation for any employee (especially Engineers), the HR does nothing to motivate employees. Only motivation is year-end Christmas party and bunch of cheap raffles. CEO cares only about his sales staff and they go to nice places like Palmdale, Las Vegas for end-of-year sales achievement party. Regular employees including engineers go nowhere for whatever achievements they had in the past year. Each year, management travels to the nicest places in the world to have Leadership meetings while spending hundreds of thousands of dollars no matter how much money company is making.

As I said, I spend over 10 years in the company and only dreamed to see a change but it remained a dream. Once I left this company I realized that this company is so far behind in employee welfare than all similar companies. Even their salary structure is totally out of market. They pay minimum (yes minimum) 30% LESS than the market.

I would advice anyone who is thinking of joining this company to stay far far away... there are better work environment out there.


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