Maleah Gentry

4 years ago

I struggle to come up with the correct words to de...

I struggle to come up with the correct words to describe just how much I loved the care I received from the midwives at Birthroot. As a first-time mom, I researched long and hard the option that I felt would give me the most support in not just my delivery, but also my pre/postnatal care. My research led me to the team at Birthroot. The amount of care, education, and respect given by all three midwives is incomparable. My husband and I both felt supported, safe, and respected from start to finish.

In regards to my labor and delivery, Sarah and Krissy both did a phenomenal job during my birth, and I never once felt like I was missing out on anything (including pain medication) by not being in the hospital. Most things that would be considered a birth plan were standard practice here, such as: delayed cord clamping, immediate skin to skin contact, breastfeeding support, etc., which meant I didn t have to fight for what I felt was best. My husband and I had privacy throughout (while simultaneously being supported), and we were able to experience the profound moment of bringing our daughter into this world without being poked and prodded or having any unnecessary interventions. No bright lights, no one taking her from me, just a room full of love and respect.

As long as my subsequent pregnancies are healthy, I will 100% be going back to Birthroot.


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