Ivan Tjallinks

3 years ago

The park itself is fine but there are a few things...

The park itself is fine but there are a few things in which i think they really need to improve.

1. Personally the experience was a bit ruined for me because I m constantly getting attacked by cigaret smoke. Everywhere you go people are smoking and smoking. I don t care if they want to smoke. It s they re re decision to risk they re health, but they re decision

2. The park is dividing people into rich and rest of the world by providing the speed pass service. With this pass the rich can skip lines.

So for example: you are waiting 30 min in line when suddenly someone just walks onto the operator and gets special services. It s s not only annoying but they teach children to be capitalists because they see that money opens doors. Money makes you better then other people. And that s not true. Everyone should be treated the same. Theme parks should connect people, not divide.

The food at van healings club is good enough. The fries for example are not to salty or greasy but just right.

Overall score 3 stars for the park itself because it s not really big. Needs to grow a bit bigger for more stars.


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