Amera Angel

3 years ago

In early June, I went to go tour a house in which ...

In early June, I went to go tour a house in which Melissa was in charge of leasing. My boyfriend & I toured the house & we LOVED it. We were ready to sign the lease as soon as possible. The first thing Melissa asked us when we spoke with her was Have you guys ever thought about buying? . This was immediately extremely off putting & disrespectful considering the house we were touring was for lease. Meaning that Melissa clearly wanted us to go somewhere else. After we toured the house I called Melissa & said we would like to move forward however possible in the leasing process. She told me to text her my email & she would send me the application. I texted her & then waited 5 days without hearing from her or receiving an email from her. I called after 5 days & she then told me that she meant to call me but the number she had of mine was 1 number off. What? How is that possible if i texted her & called her? She then said that the owner of the house knew people who s house burnt down so they were going to let them stay there. I would hate to think she was lying about that but i checked today & the house is back on Zillow. I texted her today when i saw the house was listed again & she told me she sent me the application and since i didn t fill it out, she wasn t sure if i was still interested. I have received 0 emails from her. It s very clear that Melissa took one look at me & made judgments about the kind of tenant and person I am. Without knowing my monthly income, my previous rental history, the fact that i ve never missed a payment, or that am one of the cleanest people i know. I would MUCH rather her just tell me she thinks i m too young, too tattooed or too whatever, than run me around like I don t know what s going on. Extremely unprofessional & i m super disappointed.


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