Sir Pendragon

4 years ago

I cannot judge the hearts of those who serve at Ca...

I cannot judge the hearts of those who serve at Canyon Hills. However, I will share some pertinent information for those who intend to attend this church. I visited Canyon Hills and signed up to receive information about groups, bible studies, and etc. Six month later I received no information or contract in regards to my inquiry that I filed at 7001 Auburn Campus. I have received recently, a letter from the Senior Pastor requesting a donation to remodel the lobby, and many parts of the church. When I surveyed the church structure during my visit I found it in impeccable condition, and yet now there is a thrust to renovate it? It looks already recently renovated.

I am Vice President of Christian Humanitarian organization, 2) a Christian certified child counselor, and 3) a international crisis response responder. I could have helped in many areas of the church, but my services are now no longer rendered. I have attended the extension and autonomous church of Canyon Hills, Upper Room, and found a similar disposition; the answer seems to be if you are not Assemblies of God you are treated with suspicion, and you can share binging involved in saving thousands of souls, and if it wasn't an AOG (Assemblies of God) outreach you have the conversation redirected to AOG, and are told to attend the Mission 111 (or 101) at the Canyon Hills Church College known as Sum.

To sum up this church on the summit, I asked for info about groups and gave all my contact info, made it clear I wanted to lead a group and am qualified, but I received no contact for six months, but when the church needs redundant and superfluous renovations (and upgrades) I am suddenly contacted via mail with a donation envelope and letter urging me to give money (see 2 Corinthians 9:7, 2 Corinthians 8:12 in the Holy Bible to know what the Apostle Paul says about giving).

So the question stands, which God do you think this church serves?

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." (Jesus Christ, Matthew 6:24).


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