
4 years ago

Unorganized and hypocritical about time management...

Unorganized and hypocritical about time management. The "authority" are confused as to what their 4 positions(yes, they only offer 4 positions which is highly concerning) are, in fortune companies or even other small businesses these positions have different meaning AND purpose. The starting title "client representative" is hilarious and is a made up position name but you receive that because it sounds "professional" or "prestigious". You start with standing x amount of hours in a Sam's Club or Costco electronics section at a kiosk using a sales pitch given to you by a "corporate trainer"; another made up title and there aren't enough of them to make the schedule work, clearly. If you by chance rank up from a "representative" to a "trainer" your pay stays the same(what?). These guys are hiring all the time but don't have enough of these trainers when in reality the employee hierarchy system can be done in a matter of a month if the meetings had substance, which I'll elaborate on later in this review. "Client representatives" are to pitch an outdated advertising method and honestly it's pretty similar to a labor job and any high school kid with the ability to get C's could do this. An organized and well growing company like Uber where in 2 years it's worth is 50 billion dollars and in comparison, I don't see Momentum Ads going too far by making deals with 1 or 2 internet/cable companies and doing a slow advertising method which by the way is also competing with these companies they made the deal with in the first place. The useless meetings feel like a high school meetup and you will be given a weird "motivational" speech in which you will be expected to write notes down. These notes are only for motivation which you can google some quotes for or watch some YouTube videos for. Turnover rate is high because this advertising method is so outdated, this is also why they think they need these "motivational" "business" "meetings". You are also required to visit these "business" "meetings" 3 times a week and your gas won't be paid. Again, company environment is unorganized which leads to wasted time and is lacking classy people that lead by example and professionalism(If you compared this place to any fortune company from Seattle or Silicon Valley it's embarrassing..I hate to be brutally honest). Lastly, to clear the confusion on the pay, which is also weird and unprofessional/disrespectful to all employees, is how you are paid by either commission or hourly. Whichever is higher. So let's say you work 40 hours a week and you get paid $16 hourly AND you make $700 in sales. You would think you'd get $640+$700 so you make $1340 weekly right? WRONG! You would make $700! That's a funny greedy system that is running in this small business. It's sad, I expected more from this establishment. The person in command's ego, Curtis, along with the chain of suckers that are mindlessly following this guy and this "opportunity" and don't question a single thing is draining. There's just too many negatives. You aren't an equal as they try to preach and it clearly shows with the lack of professionalism!


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