Melissa Marie Loss

3 years ago

A friend of mine was in a serious car crash and wa...

A friend of mine was in a serious car crash and was in critical Condition With Multiple Skull fractures and other broke bones and Brain Trama when transported to noch before transfer to Spectrum......He was there for At least 8 hours in life threating critical condition before stabilized enough to transfer......His family spent Those Hours in panicked worry wondering where he was when he had called to say he would be home in 45 min right before the crash......Because noch did not notify them he was there at all.......There was no reason because he had id and his girlfriends number in his wallet, not only that he also had a friend with him who verified who he was and numbers to family.......Not only did they make no attempt to contact Anyone, They Refused to Let his friend use the phone to contact family! Yes doctors and Nurses First priority is to treat and stabilize him but There Is All kinds of other staff members who could have called and Notified His Family! He Could Have and Almost Did DIE without his family Every Aware He was hurt! He could have died alone with no one to advocate his wishes or make choices if needed! I Think it Should Be Priority To Notify Family Of Critical Patients so they can rush to their side or at least the waiting room for Support and incase tough choices must be made......Admission Clerks could easily do this Small thing for patients and their familys Or Even Recruit Volunteers! I am Sure Someone Would Jump At the Chance, if I lived in the area or could do it Like an at home service where I got updated lists of Patients who need Family Notified I would do it In A heartbeat!.........First Thing When Transfered to Spectrum they did Was Contact His Family And not Only His Girlfriend but His Mother To! I Am so Sickened and Disapointed in The conduct of your facility.......From what I heard This kind of Misconduct is Not Unusual for noch! I am just in shock you would let patients go to the brink of Death without the support of their Loved ones or at least the notification of them! SHAME


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