
emily hubbard

4 years ago

here I sit today telling you from my phone in my b...

here I sit today telling you from my phone in my bed sick and heavily medicated DO NOT GO HERE. I mean, unless you want to die of course. I visited the emergency room here when i was just sixteen years old. Brought by my mother, I laid on the floor of the emergency balled up in pain, barely able to breathe and in excruciating pain. ten feet away from me sat a nurse filing her nails minding her own business. I was a child. I could have been dying. And I might have been, but who knows, they didn t send me home with a diagnosis; only a large bottle of tramadol was my doctor s solution. Months later after being drugged irresponsibly my body began reacting poorly to the medicine and I wanted to stop taking it, so I visited the gynecologist just next door. I told the doctor my very distinct symptoms and explained to her that I wished to be on a drug that was better suited for my specific illness but she told me to my face that she didn t believe me and that it seemed that I just wanted to get high. I m 18 years old now and I ve been too afraid to go back to another doctor regarding this issue because I felt disgusted with myself. No one believed my illness and I was cursed to bear with the most excruciating pains I have ever felt in my life. Today however, I decided I couldn t go on living like this anymore. I ve been taking old hydrocodone from a past injury because I ran out of tramadol a while back. The physical toll of taking hard pain medications every time I get my period is starting to deeply affect me. I am speaking out against this hospital because they have wronged me and the world needs to know. This is a disgusting place with selfish and undereducated workers. I want spit in the face of all who made me feel like I should have to live with this problem


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