Anichka Bezkrovny

4 years ago

My professor intentionally harassed me and claimed...

My professor intentionally harassed me and claimed that I misused commas. I reviewed the comma rules in the book and my most recent document and found no errors. I re-read his comment and noticed he accused me of having a pattern of comma errors that he had vaguely ignored 'until now'. I reviewed all of my documents and discovered that I HAD NO GRAMMATICAL ERRORS AT ALL.
The other students' overall grammar was atrocious and I would become overburdened having to edit every single incident of grammatical errors. I must question whether or not this college is accepting true high school graduates with the level of horrifying grammar I have seen in the average students' writings. I went to several high schools and have attended a broad range of colleges and universities. Only on rare occasions have I seen such "lazy" incorrect grammar.
Grammar is based on your original intended meaning. And when the professor responded he acted sympathetic but at the end of the semester he rescinded his original sympathies. He continued to ignore other students' grammar and some of those students "blamed" their poor grammar on being in the first class. She showed patterns of not knowing what ; , or - are and couldn't spell most words. This is always due to laziness and lack of care-taking. Those students have some serious privilege for wasting so much money on classes they aren't really attending or putting their effort into. This is a specialty school where students are supposed to be interested (and informed) in the subjects they take.
Also, when I contacted the school about these issues some of the staff were trying to irritate me by over-complicating things and they would try to continue the phone calls and emails later and drag things on just to shut me down. They don't seem to realize this is ALL illegal. This is intentional infliction of emotional harm and harassment.
I would recommend this school if you are passing through, have a low-stress simple lifestyle, and don't think in multi-lingual dimensions that are difficult to preserve in English and cause uni-lingual American English speakers to misunderstand grammar rules and target you for having advanced work that exceeds the average Associate level student. The classes offered are interesting.


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