3 years ago

I wish I could say something good about OLOL but, ...

I wish I could say something good about OLOL but, the quality of care you now get is
nothing more than HORRIBLE. I have spent many years in and out of the Lake with family members and friends. My mother had breast cancer and radiation at M. D.
Anderson in Houston in 1975. In August 2012 my mother saw Dr. Steven Gremillion and
he advised her she had to have a defibrillator to help her heart remove fluid she had
started to retain. My mother told him she didn't think he could put the defibrillator where
she had radiation....he said it doesn't matter and wasn't interested in what she had to say AT ALL. To make a long and horrible story short. My mother's health did not improve. We had to take her to the emergency room here in our small town six months later. We met a wonderful heart doctor and he ran many test on my mother. It was not her heart at all.......she had kidney cancer. The defibrillator had to be removed immediately as it had completely "rotten" and started coming through the skin. If my mother had been diagnosed correctly maybe something could have been done.......she was given six weeks to live and she lived exactly six weeks to the day. Several years ago, the lake lost many of their GREAT doctors. We all must be very "pro-active" in our care and take great interest in the care our parents and grandparents get. Make sure you listen and never lose your voice to SAY NO!


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