Boris Revzin

4 years ago

IRS requests over $600,000 from me and my ex wife....

IRS requests over $600,000 from me and my ex wife. Ex because I have lost my family after IRS put me in the mess. I immigrated to United States in 1976. For 40 years I was working for this country nonstop. Never in my life I even seen this kind of money. All that time I was trying to build a business. Finally, in 2008 when I was so close to my dream the crisis wiped me out. In a matter of few months I lost everything. All my money, home, business and woman I loved. I got depression. But instead of killing myself I started to drink to get rid of my suicidal thoughts. Eventually I became disable. Now I am 68 years old all by myself sick and lonely with no valuables and no hopes. IRS deducts $120 from my $840 disability check which is the only income I have. The first time the IRS started to demand money from me was 2009. Since then I am fighting with IRS. I cannot win this fight so I beg you people, anybody help me. 2018 I am editing the post. Things get better. I am back to life. Still fighting with IRS but it doesn't bother me any more. It's good I didn't kill myself. Things always change for better.


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