Richard MacPherson

4 years ago



Now that our properties have all been sold, I want to recap the experience we had with you and Leavenworth Realty. The relationship started with your help on how to set up the access and utility easement. Your experience gave us real-world guidance that balanced out the attorney s tendency to over complicate things. Next we had to price the parcels. Your estimate of much they would sell for and how long it would take was spot on. You were especially effective in the negotiations. Several times I thought we should make a counter-offer that you felt was too low. To my credit, I went along with your suggestion and it always proved to put more money in our pockets than we would have had. As usual in real estate transactions there were times when I got wound up and overly concerned about some aspect of the sale. I d call you up and you d talk me down off the ceiling. Never once did you give me bad advice. There were too many incidents of your professionalism and experience to list here but I can truly say you exceeded even my highest expectations. If ever I need to buy or sell any properties again, there is not the slightest doubt in my mind that I would call you. Thank you very much.

-Rick MacPherson


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