Brenda Babb

3 years ago

We LOVE our Pastor, our Church and our Congregatio...

We LOVE our Pastor, our Church and our Congregation. Pastor Dames and his wife Stacey truly Love ALL of God s People. One of the things I like most about our Pastor is that he gives Exegesis on Verses which simply means that he gives a clear meaning to the original language. He makes clear what the author intended so it is more easily understood. Pastor Dames is one of the Best Expository Pastor/Teachers in the North Dallas area.
He is NOT a Topical Pastor that Teaches only on the topics they choose. He allows the Holy Spirit to speak in and through him on All Scripture. The Word of God should do two things: Comfort the Afflicted and Afflict the Comfortable.
The Word of God cuts sharper than any two-edged sword and cuts into the inner most parts of the human heart.
It must convict and convince not give you a typical Feel Good sermon or advice on how to live a happier or a healthier life or a Political Activism message. He teaches the Gospel and how to share the Gospel with the lost.
He encourages us to read the Word of God during the week and even has Scripture and Praise songs for every day reading in our Bulletin which is so helpful. We just started our Wed night bible study in the book of REVELATION and it is AWESOME. Our Pastor teaches that the bible says that we should eat, sleep, and breathe the Word of God.
If you are not hearing the Word of God and if they are not reading out of the Bible, then come to North Dallas Community Bible Fellowship. We would love to grow in Grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with you on this journey. We Welcome you with the Love of our Lord.

Fred & Brenda Babb


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