Cecilia Hale

4 years ago

Dear Mr. Hanney,

Dear Mr. Hanney,

I went to see the musical, "Beauty & the Beast" with my parents and three children under 12. I must sadly admit that I was very disappointed in the production that advertised to be kid-friendly & family friendly but in reality was not. In addition, I was in utter disbelief with a couple of scenes like the "Be Our Guest" number where the napkin girls do the "Can-Can" without any petticoats, then proceed to flip their skirts wide open thereby showing the audience their vivid red underwear front and back...essentially 'mooning' the audience which included a large number of small children. I had to cover my children's eyes!!

Furthermore, the tavern scene was decorated with flags two of which were obvious political and/or religious statements. Why must you polemicize at a children s show: does everything need to be politicized? It s a never-ending bombardment of statements that puts people like myself off. There are times that adults want to enjoy a simple fairy-tale with their children, especially when the political statements have no bearing on the story itself. On a side note as a critique of the set design, one of the flags looked like the Flag of Scotland why didn t you have a French flag in the tavern considering the fairy-tale is set in France?

Penultimately, my family and I did not appreciate nor understand the liberties that were taken in scenes of the musical that weren t even in the 1991 Disney Animation of Beauty & The Beast. In the town, Gaston tells the townspeople his intention to marry Belle, and the three blonde-haired Mesdemoiselles exclaimed their disappointments. However, he assures them that they will continue their licentious liaisons together despite his marital status changing in the use of a double entendre. Another scene at the castle includes Lumiere and Babette arguing about each other s various failed relationships and naming past lovers. Was any of this asinine brouhaha necessary? Impressionable children are present! Finally, why did you decide to dumb down the Beast s intelligence? In the 1991 version and the 2017 version, Belle & Beast connect, kindred spirits, on their love of books, while the antagonist Gaston is an imbecilic foil showing the stark contrast. Why would you knowingly diminish one of the Beast s greatest character strengths, thus re-writing the love story?

In conclusion, North Shore Music Theatre has lost my business. I was planning on signing up for my own yearly membership but I ve decided against it. My parents have a yearly membership but will not be renewing their membership due to this intentional and controversial debacle.


Cecilia Hale
Updated on August 8, 2017: I sent Bill Hanney my review and this is what he said, "It s a Disney show get real and see you later."~Bill Hanney

I have heard from the grapevine that Mr. Hanney is unpleasant and very cumbersome to deal with as a person and as an owner, especially when it comes to constructive criticism or anything that goes against his Machiavellian agenda. Bill Hanney's mantra is his way or the highway, which causes an insalubrious environs for his employees, staff, and patrons. It's apparent to me that he's flippant and uncouth when it comes to a parent's concern. All Bill cares about is making money. I would have appreciated a modicum of decorum and civility when he had responded to my e-mail with a formal response considering the time I took to address him but instead I receive a churlish and grammatically fragmented detritus which he was so kind enough to carbon copy his serfs i.e. subordinates. I'm looking forward to passing along Bill's e-mail to my parents' friends who are also supporters of North Shore Music Theatre at the moment and see what their thoughts are on the matter. Yes, it is a Disney show, so why does he have the need to overtly debauch, sexualize, and politicize a classic and tarnish a supposed kid friendly brand like Disney, Inc?


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