Simply Uhu
Review of NTUH

4 years ago

Dumbfounded! The National Taiwan University Health...

Dumbfounded! The National Taiwan University Health Inspection is like a fraud, and everything must be rushed, inefficient, undisciplined, unprofessional and less professional! One word describes: lazy!

Booking Appointment-5/5
It has so difficult to reserve online there are only 10 opening each day. You must be awake before the midnight strike to click on you computer as fast as you can. Took me one week two ppl to finally book one appointment each day. (normally The opening of 10slots will be filled within 2-3min).

The two of us have two groups at the same time. We can't reach two people in a different IP at a time. It took a whole week to finally book it. (Online 2 - 3 minutes, 10 places will be gone)

Before checkup package instruction 3/5
So, they will mail you a package before hand with list of instructions of taking your own poop sample and colon cleansing medication. The written instruction was easy to follow but lengthy. Make sure you filled out all the form before your appointments.

Remember to fill in all the information in advance, there will be some precautions around the week before the test, people who don't see will be very troublesome!

Check up experience -10/5
This is the most disorganized bunch of staff you will ever encounter straight out unprofessional. My dad who is in his 80s got their first and they somehow were so disorganized, had him waited till 2pm to have breakfast. Mind you, he fasted whole day the Day before, he was the last person they finished checking in him. No, he wasn't slow, They simply forgotten about him.

All health checks Taian, Xinguang, Chang Geng compare, Taiwan University is the most inefficient! The health checkup staff was super-orderless. I did it with my dad two days ago. My dad was very old. The first one reported that he waited until 2:00 to let him eat. He turned out to be the last one.

I was the first person to report, but it was not the first to do a gastroscope. I also waited until a little more to eat. Many people are better than me late! ?

Medical report Health Report-10/5
My original report day was schedule 2 weeks prior to my dad s report day. although my dad finished his checkup a day ahead of mine and yet his report day was schedule more than one week after mine.

Upon rescheduling my report, the staff pushing mailing methods instead of seeing doctor. It was incredibly unprofessional. The underline tone was that they want to get rid of you right there.

Upon check up date, it was a natural reason such as typhoon the city announced a nature day off. As I tried to reschedule, they were trying to push it another month until my mother protested and demand that they do something about it.

Upon arrival, the staff were so disorganized that they couldn't find my chart as my appointing time was delayed. Then, the doctor read through first two summary pages and that's it! He didn't go through any film, scans to see if There's any abnormality . This by far is the most unprofessional and expensive checkup. Did I mention the price is almost twice as much as others... don't bother to come.. not worth it!!

My dad did a medical examination earlier than me, but my original report time was actually a week earlier than my father.

But I suggested that I have to change time because there are some reports that I can't see the results. Their contractors have been selling them all the time, so the doctors don't have to read them.

When I went to see a doctor, the person actually read the two-page outline, and it was gone. The film, MRi, CT X-ray monogram's film commentary? Doctors from other hospitals must explain one by one. The lazy doctor at National Taiwan University thought that we had not done a medical examination and it was all right! Dumbfounded! The National Taiwan University Hospital is like a fraud, nothing is done, no efficiency, no discipline, no professionalism and no dedication! One word describes: lazy!

Their fees are twice that of other families! CP's super invincible difference!

Referral: If you are a better doctor, they will tell the patient to make an appointment.


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