Jean-Christophe Dumont

3 years ago

Company to avoid absolutely !!!

Company to avoid absolutely !!!
Before arriving by train at the Gare du Nord in Paris on strike, I order a motorbike taxi to ensure an appointment ... The train is finally canceled and I call at 12:03 to cancel my service booked at 2:00 p.m. ... Sorry sir, you had to notify 2 hours before !!! If at least they had answered my previous call, arfff !!!
So 150 euros charge for a service canceled 3 minutes too late ... and I'm still waiting for the invoice ...
Turn to other more understandable, commercial and invoicing companies if you are a pro ...
Reporting ...

Your answer is not up to a serious company, must I remind you to have told you that my usual provider was on vacation! So don't take this argument by saying that he couldn't deliver, it's lousy ...
As for the questioning of a train canceled in time of strike and indicate that I hold you responsible, but this is completely false!
Do I also have to remind you that I never received an SMS or an email confirming my reservation !!! By correction I remind you all the same so as not to penalize a driver who has nothing to do with it.
Can you provide me with a copy of the confirmation of my reservation as required by law ???


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