Serkan Armagan

3 years ago



I'm one of the first or one of the first hour!
but as it happens, when a company grows up, they forget who made them big. as much as I've raved about promotionbasis back then, so much publicized for that, yes I really recommended this promotionbasis.de to everyone. also told much further, so it will be a successful page. one recommends something further, if it is top.

now it is about 15 years ago. the fa. promo base earns neat money. And of course, the extra wishes of the agencies do not even happen anymore. (in the meantime i had a stroke) so i was separated from the shop for years.

Now that I'm fine, I want to use my old account. However, this does not work, because I do not have my own website and therefore, of course, can not generate an email address for me, I can not register at promobasis. this will still be created, but will take months.

everything is not a problem. We do not understand technology but accept it. I politely asked the management to ask if they could make an exception for me, since we know each other from the beginning of the hour and support each other.

Unfortunately, I was with a scolded no that does not work, we do not have any fancy have enough to do and yes, something does not even go! That was a great answer I did not expect after 15 years.

real schaaaaaaaaade ... trauuuuuuurig .... yes, even disappointing that!

much success you still ..... and please do not go on like this ... that goes backwards ... maybe the moment in the success ... but the holds only for a time ... the business friendships should last forever .. ,


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