Kenneth Gordon

3 years ago

Dear Los Rios,

Dear Los Rios,
I believe that you are charging students an illegal Delinquent fee when you're charging more than your parking fee's for the penalty... We recieved a parking citation in the mail on on April 16th, 2014 and according to your Notice date was dated April 11,2014.. I paid this ticket on April 22nd, 2014 and thought we were were done. On Thursday, JUNE 26th, 2014 I recieved a DELINQUENT Notice stating you were charging me a "LATE" fee because your records indicated not receiving my check till April 28th, 2014... I called on June 27th and spoke to two of your representives (TIM and Uvida) and both were non responsive to my questions about the proof of when Los Rios received my check..They both stated that they did not have to prove when they received my check, yet I was being charged a $ 41.00 Late fee... As with many things in life, I'm to understand that in America, we are innocent until PROVEN Guilty... the fact that I sent a check for my citation in 10 days and Los Rios cannot give a consideration to when I received your notice...yet you tell me you did not receive my check till a certain date it absolutely a double standard...I can't image how many people just PAY these "Illegally" charged late fee's due to your threats of impounding cars and registrations if not paid...Here I paid my citation, within the DUE PROCESS, yet you're not accounting for delays in the weekend mail. I would like to see if someone in your Citation Processing department, other than an employee "reading me a script" of your policy would review these situations for ALL student that pay within your 14 day policy and are being charged a Penalty of over double the original citatation charge. I do believe that if there are enough students that feel they have been wrongly fined due to your in accuarate 'Posting Dates" you could be dealing with a class action lawsuit.


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