Daniel Buruian

3 years ago

Dear Broward Performing Theater Director ,

Dear Broward Performing Theater Director ,
WE THE PEOPLE , are looking forward to welcome your business back , we are looking forward to continue to support your venue and your performers . I understand that for our safety you are implementing new protocols and You are asking all the visitors to provide PCR test or Vaccine Passports , in order for me to provide that to you , please be kind and ask all of your employee and volunteers to provide each and every one a PCR test Or Vaccine Passport to all your visitors , also i want a proof that all of the air filters has been recently changed or maintained , also i want you to provide me a professional sanitation inspection for every square inch of the venue , also a very strict measurement of the social distance . Please allow me to request a drug test for each and every one that works there and i want to check the hand wash log for each and everyone that is employed by Broward Performing Theater and is at work when i am there . Please be fair and provide that information on my email in order for me to go back to your venue . i will definitely appreciate that . Take Care Covid 19 is a Killer it might kill your business as well . GOD BLESS YOU
Looking forward to be back at the Venue


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