
4 years ago

The ER doctors are here completely inept.

The ER doctors are here completely inept.
I've went here several times over the past year with body pains, extreme perspiration and stomach issues. Several times I was told there was nothing wrong with me and sent on my way while the symptoms continued.
Then the FIRST TIME I went to Mercy ER with the same symptoms, they tested me and found that I had a low phosphate problem and gave me medication to immediately fix the issue. It was so low, in fact, that the nurses at Mercy were surprised that I hadn't fallen into a coma.

NOCHS ER doctors will not work with you at all, no matter what you try to tell them. Honestly if you can make the drive, GO TO MERCY OR SPECTRUM! They will help you much more than these people.

Edit:: Thank christ for the Spectrum Urgent Care that recently opened up. Hopefully NOCHS will close its doors for good and stop making people worse off than when they came in!

Edit2:: Forgot to mention that the ER doctor who seen me for this condition at noch suggested that I was just trying to get pain medication for recreational use.


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