Caleb Yelling

4 years ago

Well i worked here for the summer and i can tell y...

Well i worked here for the summer and i can tell you it sucked a lot. Place was pretty rundown and even the the break room was disgusting. You get paid 5 stinking bucks an hr. You get no benifits, was just given water. If you see clouds save your money cause the rides will continuously be shut down. If you want to work here , don't. They take away money that you make and put it in a " bonus". If you miss one day you lose it and they continue to wave it over your head. If you're young (15) i suggest working in food or admissions. Nobody like their job, only thing i enjoyed were the ppl i work with. It does have its moments, other than that it sucks. Finally glad i quit, because that so called bonus you dont even get till ocotober or late september. I suggest if you're 16 you'll have more fun working at McDonalds. That was another thing, i understand you want to help ppl get there money's worth but we never went home until there was a serious storm. My 1st week there i got rained on almost everyday drenched. I started to feel bad for ppl , nobody wanted to work their so all the rides were shut down ..they stretched 9- about 12 or 15 ppl to do a 20+ person job, had to bring lifeguards out to operate rides. You wanna know why so many ppl left, because of our first manager quit because of racist remarks towards an employee, after that the place pretty much fell after that. If you want to work here i hope your experience is as good as mines. I try my hardest to be positive but working there brought out a lot of rudeness. People would know nobody like working here.


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