1 year ago

RDX D1 Powerlifting Leather Gym Belt review

I do powerliftng as a hobby and am currently focusing on progressing from an intermediate to advanced standard in my lifts. After a minor back strain last year, I decided to finally get a lifting belt which I have put off for several years, in order to give my back more support.

After looking at a few reviews and browsing several fitness stores online I settled on the RDX RD1 4” Powerlifting Leather Gym Belt. The product arrived sooner than I expected and after wearing it in (initially the belt was quite stiff which is to be expected with leather) it works great.

Properly bracing against the belt before lifts has already added weight to my squat and deadlift and my back feels more secure. 5/5 great product and I woudl consider RDX for other fitness accessories in future.


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