3 years ago

They say you have to start off with something inte...

They say you have to start off with something interesting if you want to get someone to keep reading, so here it goes: If I had a family member having a heart attack, and we were staying right beside Glenwood I would still tell the ambulance to drive the extra 10 minutes to get to St Francis Medical Center because I seriously believe that my loved one would have a better chance of living with those odds. I'm not saying this to be funny, but because I truly believe it. I'm not talkin about the doctors here I don't know them and didn't see much of them, but my grandmother surgery as far as the doctor was involved seemed to go well. I'm saying this because of the care they will receive for the other 23 and a half hours a day that there's not a doctor around. It is literally one of the worst experiences I can imagine anyone having in a hospital. I'm saying that's also because I want you to read it all before you take your loved one to this Hospital. Here is the whole story. My grandmother had to come here and stay for about a week. I could never find a nurse when we needed them. It was so bad that I literally had to leave the hospital a couple of times, just to cool off and gather my wits about me. I remember one time I came off the elevator and I could hear my grandmother yelling for help before I even got to her room. When I got into her room, she was laying on the bed in just her hospital gown with absolutely no cover and those rooms are freezing cold. She was crying and I asked her what happened. She said,"I spilled my water on the sheet and the Nurses Aide got mad and ripped the sheet off of me and left me here." I would have thought that she was just over exaggerating but the lady did not come back with the sheets for 20 minutes, until I had to go find her and get the sheets myself. Now I know what you're thinking why did I leave my grandmother there freezing for 20 minutes? I didn't I covered her up with my long jacket and waited just to see how long it would take because we had problems with them already getting her what she needed in a timely manner. To make things worse, she was there for an extra couple of weeks for physical therapy because she had broken her hip. My grandmother is a small lady and when they do the physical therapy they put this harness thing around the rib cage kind of under their arms and when they start to fall they use it to keep them up. One day about a week and a half into physical therapy, my grandmother started complaining about her back hurting badly. They took her down and X-rayed her and told us everything was okay. I thought my grandmother had just pulled a muscle or something. Well to get this story going anyway, about a week after my grandmother came home she was still complaining about her back hurting and it got so bad that even breathing hurt her. I took her to St. Francis Hospital in Monroe instead of back to Glenwood, and they gave her another x-ray. She had a compression fracture in her back in the exact spot that she had been hurting when they jerked her up with that harness at Glenwood. Of course I couldn't prove this happened but what are the odds and my grandmother's hurting badly and it happens while she's at Glenwood and then there x-ray finds nothing and she goes home, keeps hurting badly goes to a different hospital and their x-ray show is she has a compression fracture in the exact spot she was hurting at the first hospital. You tell me, you don't have to believe this but I'm telling you if you love your grandmother grandfather dad mom sister brother take them to Saint Francis because I promise that's the only Hospital we've been back to sense and it's not perfect but it's way better then Glenwood. Also stay away from The Guest House Nursing Home just a friendly warning I think most of the helpers they get fired from Glenwood go to work there.


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