Michaela Miller

4 years ago

My experience with the DiMenna-Nyselius library is...

My experience with the DiMenna-Nyselius library is limited, but I have not been impressed. I went to check out a book for one of my history classes, and it was covered in highlighting and notes. Some of the pages were even ripped. I asked the student librarian at the front desk to make a note of it. The book was in such bad condition that I was unbale to do my project. When I returned the book, I told the librarian about its condition and expressed my personal opinion that they should get a new version of it. She thanked me for my input and put the book aside. I assumed that she put the book aside so that they could replace it. However, a week later, a $50 fine appeared on my account. I questioned the penalty and a librarian told me that it was for the damage that I confessed to inflicting upon the book. I eventually got the fine cleared by having the student worker testify that it had been that way when I brought it to her to check out of the library. They stated that they would remove the fine, but it was still on my account for weeks. It interfered with my course registration, and I could not get into one of the classes I needed for my minor. When I expressed my concern with the head of circulation, I was informed that "most students just pay it without question." Well, I am not most students. I attend this university on a scholarship. I feel that these librarians thought I was being crazy going after $50, but this is a lot for someone like me. This experience just seemed to confirm that I do not fit in or belong at this university for rich white kids. The head of circulation was very rude in every interaction I had with her about this matter. She also refused to send any emails or answer mine. I am thinking that she did not want anything in writing.

I would also like to agree with my classmates, who mentioned the noise level. It is ridiculous. When I enter a college library, I expect students to be respectful and mature. This is not the case at Fairfield University. I wish the librarians would do more about it.

This being said, the library has a beautiful building and a lot of potential. I hope that they will take my criticism to heart and change the way they interact with students.


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