4 years ago

We called in advance to see if Zoom Air could wait...

We called in advance to see if Zoom Air could wait for us because we would be late. We couldn t get through the line because no one picked up the phone. Our group was rushing to get to the park before the last admission time but we arrived 10 minutes late and asked if they would make an exception and still let us in. The office lady said yes although she was hesitant. However when she was checking us in, she said with an attitude, If you don t hurry, we re going to have to stop this because you guys are already late. I don t know what others have learned about customer service but you don t talk to your customers like that, especially when they re apologetic and not trying to be high and mighty with you. She should have kept that to herself. I then rushed our entire group to hurry up.

Not only that but most of the staff was rude, and I mean only one person was nice. They agreed to wait for us but rushed us the entire time and spoke in condescending tones. If you aren t willing to accommodate to your customers, don t agree to take them.

Before we finished the first course, the weather turned bad and we were informed that they would have to cut our experience short. This is understandable, however, the funny thing was the staff kept repeatedly saying it was due to weather. Why did they have to repeatedly defend themselves to us even when we didn t say anything against them? To me, it felt like they were excited that there was bad weather just so we could leave.

It s just not cool to treat your customers like that. We didn t argue or say anything rude to them that required such treatment. Even if they tried to be nice about it, we could read through their body language and tones and word choice that they were impatient and rude. We re not unsophisticated or unintelligent people; we know when you re being sarcastic and rude.

In summary, don t take on customers if you were informed about their situation and weren t mentally and emotionally prepared to service them. Our experience was horrible because we were rushed through the whole thing. My saying this is not for you to justify your actions; this is for you to better your services for your future guests.


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