Armando Estrada

4 years ago

Laura Gray

Laura Gray
Realstate Agent

First and foremost, Laura is a super genuine and truly awesome person! Her Professionalism as a Realstate agent is second to none!

We were blessed from God to bring Laura to our path! Literally with hours left in our visit to Boise, we found the home of our dreams. Let me put it this way, when there s two seconds left on the clock and you either win or lose the game, Laura is the one to pass the ball to! She will make the winning shot for you!

That s exactly what she did for our family. We had literally hours to be at the airport, and she wrote up the offer, pre-approved us with her lender, and bam! We were able to have our offer accepted! All in record time!

It was a total testament of the experience, professionalism and total transparency that Laura posseses!

Our family has been blessed with our new home in Eagle, Idaho. We above all thank our Lord for bringing Laura across our path. She was the perfect instrument that God would use to make our dream home purchase a reality.

I truly recommend Laura for all your Realstate needs. She has gone above and beyond my expectations.
I know you can count on her delivering the same level of service to you and your family!

- The Estrada Family


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